We are learning to speak Te Reo through waiata (songs), simple instructions and kupu (words) in the classroom, greetings and simple texts. Have a look at some of these websites for some more practice...
Want to increase your knowledge of te ao Māori (the Māori world)?
With a mixture of Māori and English, the Taringa podcast the perfect way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori in a fun and relaxed way.
Episodes are posted weekly, discussing either kupu (words), iwi (tribes), stories or tikanga (customs and protocols).
With a mixture of Māori and English, the Taringa podcast the perfect way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori in a fun and relaxed way.
Episodes are posted weekly, discussing either kupu (words), iwi (tribes), stories or tikanga (customs and protocols).
Toia Mai (- he haka pōwhiri) Hei runga Hei raro Hi ha Hi ha Haere mai ra i te manuhiri tuarangi Nā Tahu Pōtiki koe tiki atu i te taha tū o te rangi Kukume mai Haere mai Haere mai Haere mai A ha Toia mai I te waka Ki te urunga Te waka Ki te moenga Te waka Ki te takotoranga i takoto ai I te waka. |
Demo track: (mp3) https://www.otago.ac.nz/maori/world/te-reo-maori/waiata-songs/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2B1LYq-dOqq3DRWCV-pQWQ23bjF5FpaBVm7z4yYO5fiRjwKs-PBZnpK8g |